Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This fun little thing is hosted by MckMama. Pop on over to her blog to see hers and many more!

This week I did NOT happen to see my daughter playing with my computer - she knows she's not supposed to touch - and pretended to not notice. I didn't watch as she closed the lid and the music that was on stopped and she started crying. I certainly did not laugh at my distraught daughter!

I also did NOT leave my car in gear as I was getting out of my seat while Kenny was trying to put Rylee in the back seat. It did NOT scare the crap out of me and cause my sweet husband to yell at me. No, I would never do such a stupid careless thing - and he would never yell at me for being so stupid. Not us!

We are also NOT sleeping in our living room on the couch/floor so that we can get a few hours of sleep while trying to teach our daughter to sleep in her crib for more than 2 hours at a time. I am NOT anxious about doing this at all, it's for her own good and to be a good mother I shouldn't have a problem with this, right?

I have also NOT taken up knitting to add to my list of other crafty things I love and I have NOT become obsessive about it. I don't try knitting every possible couple minutes of free time I have - leaving the dishes I need to do undone. Nope, not me!

Furthermore, I did not photograph my daughter sleeping like she broke her poor little neck! No, I'd have sat her up and figured out how her car seat would let her slump down like that right away!


Sandy said...

Great post! Fun blog, I really enjoyed my visit.

Jillian said...

My daughter has slumped over like that before too!! I did NOT take a picture first either!

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