Monday, November 16, 2009

She's moving out already!

Yesterday I was feeling pretty depressed and down. That usually means I need something to do and I need to let off some steam.

While I was venting to Kenny and Giving Rylee a bath (multi-tasking even while Venting!) she was grabbing for a toy when she took a head dive right into the water. Usually she's great about getting back up when that happens - this time she flailed around quite a bit. I picked her soaking wet body up and held her close.

Poor baby was really upset about that water dunk. While Kenny and I were comforting her we were kinda laughing too. The bad parents we are found the dunk a bit humorous. That disarmed me enough that the rest of my night was pretty good.

Today I decided that I would officially give Rylee her own room. The one that I had intended on her having before she was born. The one that fell apart when she needed to be in the same room with us, in the same bed as us. The one that became a dump area. The one that got cleaned up and was going to be my office.

Yes, She has her own room now! I'm so happy! It's not completely done. There are still things I need to do to it. She also needs a dresser. So, tonight, on the eve of her 11 month birthday, she'll be spending the night in her OWN ROOM! When did my baby get big enough to move out of mine? heehee.

So, a full supply of No-Bake Cookies to fend off the low blood sugars, which made their appearance once - go figure with all the furniture moving! I completely switched out the rooms. Kenny's and My bedroom is now a partial "office" area/sleeping area and Rylee has her room. I hope to soon make it everything I had wanted it to be when she was born almost a year ago.

She's getting so big. She's even helping me vacuum!

I also have a spot for a Christmas tree in my living room now too. I'll soon be setting up all my Christmas stuff. I LOVE Christmas-y things and I like to get them up early and leave them up long after Christmas. Yes, I love this time of year!


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