Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Moday! This was created by the lovely a inventive MckMama as a fun way to start a week new and has spread quite widly since! Head on over to her blog and check out what everyone else did Not do this week!

My husband and I did not go out just for fun and then spontaneously bought Miss Rylee a new Carseat, thereby graduating her from her Infant Seat. My husband did not insist on installing it in the target parking lot! He also did not want to leave that massive box in the middle of the lot (WHO would think of doing such a thing!? No, he didn't get to just leave it.).

I also did not JUST buy a Baby Book to fill in for Rylee. I, being the excited pregnant mother I was, would have bought one WAY in advance!

In the span of just a couple hours I also did NOT succumb to things I said I never would! I did not try on skinny jeans just for fun then end up having to find a pair that fit perfect and actually buy them!!!

After that I did not find and concurrently buy a HUGE ugly purse - now trading two (a purse and diaper bag) for one clunky thing! My sweet Mother always carries around a fairly large purse (or two) and I always said I would never do that... Of course I still have Not done that!


Summer Willard said...

Hey! Love your blog! I'm stopping by to let fellow MckMama readers know about a new blog that I have just created. I'm going to be doing some giveaways in the near future, so if you go to my blog and follow it, you can be part of the fun! Thanks!!

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