Monday, February 1, 2010

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This Blog carnival was Started by MckMama. Head on over to her blog to see what her and others are Not doing this week.

While our very sweet adorable, always good daughter was Not throwing the biggest fit of her life, because she would never do something like that. Kenny and I did Not decide video tape the last 3 minutes of the 20 minute long fit. ...if she had a fit like that.

I did not pull dirty underwear out of the laundry basket for Kenny to wear when there were no clean ones because I wasn't able to do laundry the day I was puking my guts out. I always have clean laundry in case of emergencies.

I did not stay up until 5am to finish making a baby shower cake that was just going to be completely eaten in a few hours from that point anyways. That would be silly and pointless. It's just a cake.

I did not stick my daughter in the bath tub to play just to keep her occupied so I could clean the bathroom and do laundry without her in my way. I am happy to have her 'help' me with everything and enjoy teaching her all the time. I wouldn't do something so selfish.

Have a great day Not doing whatever life brings you!


Anonymous said...

I did not EVER as a nanny put a child into the bathtub while I studied or cleaned house. Never! I would NEVER let said children turn into raisins while I charged through a long to-do list...

harmonysong said...

I can't access the video, but I thinks it's very funny that you tapped her!

The bathtub is a great occupier!

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