Starting with the weather: It hasn't known if it wants to rain or shine. Started nice, then started raining - didn't know how it wanted to finish so decided to be both rain cloudy intermittently with brilliant blue sky. Then officially rained and now the sky is a gorgeous evening blue as though it had been that way all day.
Today I thoroughly enjoyed myself at a dear friends' bridal shower today. She and I grew up together starting shortly after her family moved here from Canada when we were in 3rd or 4th grade (I don't remember which). Her handsome Groom is also a wonderful childhood friend - we grew up together starting in 2nd grade. Neither of them knew of the others' existence on this earth until they were both in MY wedding. She a lovely bridesmaid and he a fantastic groomsman. There they met, and the rest is... ...almost history. heehee.
I love those two a lot and am SO excited for them. Even more awesome for me is that they are moving a few doors down from me into the very same apartment complex! Purely selfish excitement about this, but - hey, being a stay-at-home-most-of-the-time mom its nice to actually
Munchkin did quite well through the whole shower today. Fell quite adorably and peacefully asleep on my shoulder for a little while. I love it when that happens and will cherish every moment that it does.
She also got her first taste of rice cereal today:
Then Kenny went off to a bachelors party, yes for the one and the same that I grew up with and was a groomsman in our wedding. Now I am sitting at home with Munchkin writing this post and reading up on others' blogs for the day.
While reading up on blogs my heart became very heavy and, yes, there were a few tears as I read This Post from the Freemans and their little girl Kayleigh. She's had a rough time of her short life. Born weighing 1 pound even, 3 months early having several surgeries - making her the smallest baby to ever undergo open heart surgery.
Something happened in the last two weeks of her treatment that has left her seemingly brain dead. After all they have gone through, after all the improvement in her, after her loving eyes and responsive baby-ness - she is now none of those things and her odds are not looking well.
My heart weeps for them. I look at my sweet little Munchkin and try and imagine what it would be to be dealing with these situations that so many others face. I thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me with such a beautiful healthy daughter after undergoing a "risky" pregnancy - being Type 1 diabetic a lot could have gone wrong.
Words cannot explain how becoming a parent changes you and your outlook on children and the trials of other parents. There is a smpathy, almost a comradery that develops and unspoken bond between you and other parents.
If you have the time, check out their blog, their story and pray for them. Pray that God's will be done. Pray that He is Glorified no matter what. Pray that they will continue to be lights to the world whatever the outcome. Pray that they become enveloped in love and the peace that truely surpasses all understanding.
Today had not decided what it wanted to be. It has just been. I've loved it, and I've been sad for those in such difficult times, I've enjoyed my daughter and husband, now I am enjoying silence by my self in our home.
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